Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Eggplant Parmesan

2 medium Eggplants, peeled and sliced in rounds (8 oz per serving)
9 oz Ricotta Cheese
3 oz Mozzarella Cheese
6 oz Ground Meat, pre-cooked and seasoned
3 cup Spaghetti or Tomato Sauce
Garlic, to taste
Italian seasoning to taste
1 c water
 Add canned or frozen Spinach
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a 9”x11” baking dish and a cookie sheet with nonstick spray.  Place sliced Eggplant on cookie sheet.  Season with Garlic powder, Salt and Pepper.  Cook for about 10 minutes; turn Eggplant slices, season and place in oven for another minute.  Set Eggplant aside.  
Assembly: In the bottom of the baking dish place ¼ of sauce, spreading to cover bottom of dish.  Place one layer of the Eggplant evenly across the bottom.  Using ½ of the Ricotta Cheese, spread a thin layer on each Eggplant slice.  Cover with another ¼ of the Sauce and sprinkle with ½ of the Mozzarella.    At this point you can add a layer of spinach for variation.   Repeat with layers of Sauce, Eggplant, Ricotta, Eggplant, Sauce, and remaining Mozzarella
Cover with foil and bake until hot and Cheese has melted, about 45 minutes
Makes 6 servings.
Abstinent Measuring
Each serving = 1 protein and 1 vegetable, If spinach is used, include the additional vegetable.
Make It A Meal
Enjoy with a salad for lunch or a salad plus another vegetable for dinner
*contribution from Area II Cookbook 2004

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