Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crispy Okra

16 oz pkg cut frozen Okra or 1 ½ - 2 c cut fresh Okra (reduces to 1 c)
1 teaspoon Garlic flavored Olive Oil
¼ - ½ teaspoon Garlic Salt
¼ - ½ teaspoon Onion Salt
dash Rred Pepper
For frozen Okra – thoroughly thaw first.  Rinse in strainer or colander, removing as much of the jelly-like sticky stuff as possible.  Drain well, squeezing out as much of the water/sticky stuff as you can.
In a large pan coated with ½ teaspoon of Oil, cook Okra until crispy, just after the rest of the sticky stuff has been cooked away, stirring often.  Add the other ½ teaspoon of Oil half way through the cooking when Okra begins to stick to the pan.  Once crispy, reduce the heat and add spices, distributing them evenly in the pan.
Makes 1 serving.
Abstinent Measuring
1 serving = 1 vegetable and 1 teaspoon fat
*contribution from Area II Cookbook 2004

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