Monday, February 21, 2011

Mom's Rare Roast Beef

My Mom was a fantastic cook and knew how to make a food dollar stretch to it's ultimate limit. It's a skill. She could buy the cheapest ingredients and make it a gourmet meal--before gourmet was cool, lol! This is her famous roast beef. It’s made with one of the cheapest cuts of beef you can buy – Sirloin Tip or Boneless Rump Roast. When done, it tasted like she had spent a fortune on the meat. Everyone wanted to know her secret and the secret is patience; Patience to let things cook in a natural way. It’s a lesson we can apply in many areas of our lives.
3-8 lbs Sirloin Tip Roast or Boneless Rump Roast.
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Herbs --any non-salt seasonings will work. I prefer “Herbs de Provence,” there are various Spice vendors that combine Thyme, Marjoram, Rosemary, Basil, Fennel, Sage & Lavender—plus or minus the last few listed here.
Mom used to pan sear the Roast on all sides with oil to “seal in the flavor.” I find that a good coating of olive oil all over the Roast works just as good. The idea is to keep the juices IN the Roast to STAY in the roast.
Sprinkle all spices all over the Roast. A good crust of salt/pepper /herbs will form all over…think of it as like a heavy “salting/peppering” and it will be fine. A little too much will not hurt anything.
Place herb crusted Roast on oven-proof pan in 175 degree F oven. 5 to 8 hours. Plan on 1 ½ hour per pound of meat. Test with meat thermometer for desired ‘doneness” 140 for Rare, 160 for medium and 170 for well-done. Towards the very end, if looking for well-done, raise the oven temp to 200 degrees F--but watch it--the internal temp can go up very quickly the last hour.
When cooking is complete, remove from oven and let the Roast rest for 10 minutes before slicing.
Abstinent Measuring
4 oz Roast = 1 protein

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