Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gucci Sushi

A fun way to eat your whole grain serving with a little Asian flair!
1/2 cup cooked brown rice (any brand)
1/4 c hummus (to get the rice sticky)
2 thin slices of red bell pepper
2 thin, long slices of cucumber
2 T. fat free cream cheese
1 paper thin sheet of seaweed wrap (10 calories)
In a small bowl mix the hummus and the rice together to create a sticky ball. Lay out the seaweed wrap on a flat surface and spread out the rice to about 2/3 of the distance to the top.
Place the slices of vegetables (you could also use cooked asparagus or any other veggie) on the rice. Gently roll up the wrap to meet the top. Gently moisten the top end so it will stick to the rest when it is rolled up. Slice in 1 inch pieces. Sprinkle soy sauce for extra flavor. The first photo equals 1 serving.
Abstinent Measuring:
1 grain serving
1 fat
1/4 protein
1/8 vegetable
Make it a Meal:
Make a stir fry with 3 oz chicken and 3/4 cups of the left over sliced vegetables. Add an 8 oz salad and you have a fun, abstinent meal!

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