Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lemon Pepper Tilapia

This is QUICK to prepare, requires NO FORETHOUGHT and tastes AWESOME!  I got this super simple recipe on an Outreach call some time back from Linda GM, who said she got it from someone else.  It truly is the closest thing to “FAST FOOD” that we can achieve.  Linda said you can take the fish out of the freezer—frozen stiff—and it works just the same.  Holy Cow! I love it.  Because there are just those days where you need SIMPLE!  AND It’s great as leftovers.
Tilapia Filets
Lemon-Pepper Spice mix (any brand will do)
Oil to wet the pan
Add Oil to frying pan and bring to low-medium temperature.  Open fish wrapper so that one side of fish is exposed, or put the fish on a plate.  Dust the one side with Lemon-Pepper.  This is to your taste.  Place Tilapia in fry pan, Lemon-Pepper side down and dust the other side with the spice.  Cover for 3-5 minutes.  Turn filets over and Cover for 3-5 minutes.  The steam from the fish will cook itself.  When the filet is flakey it’s done.  Serve HOT.
Abstinent Measuring
4 oz = 1 protein
Fish cooks incredibly fast.  It also tends to get rubbery and loose it’s flavor rapidly when overcooked.  In other words… it doesn’t simmer well at all after done.  My Advise: it’s the last thing you should cook when preparing your meal.  Cook all veggies and starches first and let them simmer, then cook the fish.

Savory Quinoa

I wanted something different then Brown Rice or Corn!  This was a delightful find (God DOES talk thru Google, lol!).  Then, with just a little adjustment for my “style” of cooking/eating, it turned out great: hearty and flavorful.

1 TBLspoon Butter
1 small-medium Yellow Onion, chopped
1-2 teaspoon chopped Garlic
½ teaspoon Thyme
2 cups Chicken Broth [or Chicken Bouillon cube(s) and water to make 2 cups]
1 cup Quinoa, white or red
Sea Salt, to taste
2 TBLspoon Fresh Parsley, chopped  
Dash of Fresh Lemon Juice
Melt Butter in large Sauce pan or Sautéing Skillet. Add Onion, Garlic and Spices.  Also add Bouillon cubes now if using them.)  Cook on medium heat until Onion are clear.  Add Quinoa and stir continuously until all liquid/butter is absorbed from the pan.  Then add Chicken Broth (or Water for Bouillon cubes.)  Mix well.  Reduce heat and medium simmer for 15 minutes.  Serve Hot.
Abstinent Measuring
1 cup = 1 starch
The Parsley and Lemon are choices from the original recipe I found on the web.  I didn’t have any in my kitchen so did without and was happy enough with the results.  Next time I’ll try them though.