This is QUICK to prepare, requires NO FORETHOUGHT and tastes AWESOME! I got this super simple recipe on an Outreach call some time back from Linda GM, who said she got it from someone else. It truly is the closest thing to “FAST FOOD” that we can achieve. Linda said you can take the fish out of the freezer—frozen stiff—and it works just the same. Holy Cow! I love it. Because there are just those days where you need SIMPLE! AND It’s great as leftovers.
Tilapia Filets
Lemon-Pepper Spice mix (any brand will do)
Oil to wet the pan
Add Oil to frying pan and bring to low-medium temperature. Open fish wrapper so that one side of fish is exposed, or put the fish on a plate. Dust the one side with Lemon-Pepper. This is to your taste. Place Tilapia in fry pan, Lemon-Pepper side down and dust the other side with the spice. Cover for 3-5 minutes. Turn filets over and Cover for 3-5 minutes. The steam from the fish will cook itself. When the filet is flakey it’s done. Serve HOT.
Abstinent Measuring
4 oz = 1 protein
Fish cooks incredibly fast. It also tends to get rubbery and loose it’s flavor rapidly when overcooked. In other words… it doesn’t simmer well at all after done. My Advise: it’s the last thing you should cook when preparing your meal. Cook all veggies and starches first and let them simmer, then cook the fish.