Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mushroom Bisque


1 lb. fresh Mushrooms
1-quart Chicken Broth
1 medium Onion chopped
2 teaspoons Butter
6 tablespoons Arrowroot
3 cups Milk - skim, 1% or 2% you decide
1-cup evaporated Milk
1 teaspoon or more Salt
White Pepper
Tabasco sauce to taste
2 tbsp. Sherry
Wash Mushrooms and cut off the dry stems and discard simmer covered in broth with the Onion for 30 minutes. Let cool, put in blender and puree add rest of Milk and Arrowroot and heat. Season to taste with Salt and [epper and Tabasco Sauce. Reheat and add the Sherry, if you like.
Abstinent Measuring
Pot equals 2.5 cups cooked, Vegetables 2 Proteins and 2 Fats. Or two servings equaling 1 Protein and 1 1/4 cup Vegetables and 1 Fat.
Serving Suggestions: Goes great with a Salad!

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