Saturday, February 26, 2011

Asparagus-Leek Soup

I love asparagus and leeks in stews and soups. They are great late winter –early spring vegetables that help detox the body for the new year. They are also a great combination added to any soup or stew and in this case, great in a soup of their own.

2 lb fresh Asparagus, cleaned and chopped into 2-3 inch pieces
3 stalks Leeks, cleaned very well, sliced thin
1 medium white Onion, medium chopped
5 stalks Celery, medium chopped
1-10oz package Frozen Spinach
Chicken Bouillon for 2 cups of water. Amount depends on manufacturer
2-3 cups Pure Water
Sea Salt, to taste
1 Tblspoon Olive Oil

Sauté Onion and Celery in a little Olive Oil until they turn soft and clear. Cover the pan for faster cooking. Add Leeks and Chicken Bouillon, then continue sauté until soft. Add Asparagus, Frozen Spinach and water. Cook at low boil until Asparagus is just turning done and Spinach is hot. Taste and add Salt as needed.

Abstinent Measuring
1 cup = 1 vegetable

1. Discard the tough ends (last 2 inches) of the asparagus stock.
2. Be sure to slice leaks lengthwise for a thorough cleaning. Sand gets trapped down between the leaves. Nothing worse then finding sand at the bottom of your soups bowl! .Also, use as much of the leeks as possible. The green leaves are great until the ends where they look darker green and “woody,” like only a cow would love..

Make It A Meal: Top 2 cups of the Asparagus Leek Soup with 2 oz of Asiago Cheese. It’s delightfully light but has a robust hearty flavor. Abstinent Measuring: 2 cup vegetable, 1 protein.

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